Saturday, November 9, 2013

Taking Screenshots in Chrome OS

With the recent release of new Chromebook computers from both HP and Acer, Google’s browser-based operating system moves a step closer to the mainstream. This means a growing number of people will be purchasing the devices, or perhaps receiving them as gifts this holiday season.

It also likely means a number of confused users. Chrome OS may resemble Windows, but there are a few major differences in both the style of the operating system and even the keyboard.

They keyboard, for instance, doesn’t have a PrtSc button, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a screenshot. It just means the process is a bit different. Here is how to do it â€" note that there are also extensions that can handle this for you.

To grab a shot of the entire screen, hold down the Ctrl button and, at the same time, press the box key along the top of the keyboard â€" its the one that displays a box followed by |||.

chromebook keyboard

Now, where does the operating system store this image? Look to the bottom of the screen, in the taskbar, and, towards the right side, you will find a number â€" it generally shows “0″, but once you have grabbed an image this will display a “1″ (or higher depending on what you have grabbed). Click it and the file interface pops open, showing your image. This is the same menu that will open if you attempt to attach a file to an email or perform a similar type of action.

Alternatively, if you want to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, follow the same steps listed above, but hold down the Shift key along with Ctrl and box one.

Getting around in Chrome OS isn’t difficult, just different. This is one simple tip to get new users on the right track. Stay tuned to Blogs DNA in the coming days and weeks to learn more.

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