Sunday, September 8, 2013

Access Android Apps, Widgets and Settings in a Swipeable Sidebar using Sidebar Plus

Few days before I wrote about an android application called “Appsi“, which helps you to access all the android apps in a swipeable sidebar. It can be accessed from anywhere in your Android device and helps you to switch between applications quickly. Today I came with a similar application called “Sidebar Plus” with much more features and functions than the previously discussed app. Sidebar Plus is a new app which brings multitasking to your Android mobile.


You can easily access these sidebar from anywhere on your Android mobile. Android apps, Widgets and Settings will be available in the sidebar for instant access. This app can be easily customized and those three bars can be filled with anything you need. If you open the app after installation, you will see three bars on the left with height, width and position adjustment sliders. Move the sliders to adjust the size and position of bars on the screen.


Tap “Manage Bars” option in the home screen to start customizing the content inside the bars. You can see Apps, Big Bar and Settings in the Manage Bars option. Hide, rename and delete these bars using three vertical dots icon in the screen. In the first option “Apps”, add or remove the apps from the sidebar, change theme, order, opacity and enable or disable the search box.


In the second option “Big Bar”, you can add anything you want. By default it has the weather, settings and gmail shortcuts. You can add any folder, settings, widgets and extensions to that. Also edit theme and opacity of  Big bar on the same window. In the third option “Settings”, you can see options like brightness, airplane mode, bluetooth, etc.


Most of these options will be available on the default android notification bar. Click the “+” symbol to add more settings to the third bar. You can add settings which you frequently use and which are not available in the default notification bar.


Sidebar plus has both free and premium versions. The free version of the app has very few limitations and you can completely customize it. In premium version, you’ve more options for the settings bar other than that everything is same. So first you can try the free version, if you feel like upgrading it, you can go for the premium ones. Try this app and share your experience with us in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

Download Sidebar Plus for Android

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