Monday, June 2, 2014

5 Best To-Do List Managing Apps For Android

Doing things at the right moment will save a lot of time and will bring a positive attitude towards your life. In our busy schedule, we often forget things and miss the oppurtunities. Since, everything has become digitized, maintaining your t0-do list in a sticky note on your desk is not going to work. There are plenty of to-do list managing applications available for Smartphones and Tablets. Especially Android devices have many efficient to-do list managing apps on the Play Store. I’ve handpicked few best apps in that and listed below.

Google Keep

Google Keeps is an excellent notes application which helps to create a to-do list on the go. It supports text, images, voice memo, etc. So you can add your tasks in any form as a reminder to complete them on time. Also, you can organize the notes with different colors and categories on the application. For instance, if you are planning for an event or a function in your home, you can create different categories of shopping list in this app to purchase things without missing anything. The app can be synced to all your Android Smartphones and Tablets. is one of the popular application for Android and iOS devices. You can easily create notes and set reminders based on different conditions. The location based reminders in the app, will use your GPS to push notifications. If you want to do a task on a particular location, you can use this reminders. All the notes and to-do list  you create will be synced to all the other devices. The “Cal” app from the same team will let you create events and sync with this application. is also available for Chrome.


Wunderlist supports wide range of platforms to sync your to-do lists across devices. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android devices. Also, you can access the app from its web interface. It lets you create time based reminders, recurring reminders and much more. Priority of the tasks can be assigned by giving a different number of stars to a task. Tasks with more numbers of stars will carry the highest priority. All the created tasks and notes can be assigned to different categories to organize it.

Remember The Milk

Remember The Milk is yet another interesting to-do list application for Android. All the basic functions like creating location based tasks, organize tasks with labels, repeating tasks, etc., are available. The app lets you organize the notes and tasks based on different conditions like priorities, due dates, tags and much more. In the free version of the app, you can sync your tasks and notes only once in a day. To upgrade to the premium account, you have to pay $25/year.


Evernote is one of the well-known notes application across platforms. It is a full fledged app with plenty of features to create tasks and reminders, take notes and much more on the go. It lets you add text, images, audio and your own voice into the notes you create. All the tasks and notes you create can be synced to all the other devices. Evernote has add-ons  like Skitcher, Web Clipper, etc., to edit images and quickly save links while you browse. The clutter free interface gives a good readability on the notes you create.

If I’ve missed any of your favorite notes applications for  Android, please let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

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