Saturday, June 7, 2014

Set the Bing daily image as your wallpaper in Chrome OS

For sometime now, Windows users have been able to set the Bing daily image as their desktop wallpaper and, in addition, choose from an array of special Bing themes. But now Microsoft is opening the platform up, and allowing those using Google’s Chrome OS to make the most of the gorgeous images.

If you already have a Chromebook, then you’re aware of how everything works, and that it’s a bit more like Windows than most people would expect. The operating system contains all of the familiar features, like a task bar, system tray and even allows for custom desktop wallpaper.

However, Google only has a limited number of choices for this background image, much as Windows comes with options for several stock choices. Now Microsoft is stepping in and opening things up, allowing it’s Bing images to be set in automatic rotation with Chrome OS, which means users will have a brand new wallpaper each and every day.

Here’s how to do it. Get started by heading to the Google Chrome Web Store to grab the free app, which is not much different from its Windows counterpart in what it is capable of.

Screenshot 2014-06-07 at 5.53.05 PM

Once installed, it will begin changing the wallpaper to that of the Bing daily image. Bear in mind, that this will not work on any operating system but Chrome OS, though there is a Windows version. You will also need to be running the developer version of Chrome OS. That is not particularly difficult, but it does involve a bit of hackery, roughly akin to rooting an Android device. Intermediate and advanced users will have no problems pulling that off.

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